Radha Milana Moda

Radha Milana Moda is based on a poem by a medieval Bengali poet, Chandi Das. The poem dwells on an inconceivable beauty about how Krishna is in agony of separation from his most beloved Radha. Radha’s love is so intense that Krishna ever longs to be with her. Their meeting brings an inconceivable amount of happiness and similarly, their separation causes an insurmountable amount of pain. Here we see Krishna in a deep state of anxiety. He is in so much pain that he has fallen unconscious. In deep thought of Radha, his blue skin has melted into the golden hue of hers. While roaming through the forest of Vrindavan, a dear friend of Radha has come across this scene… She recounts to Radha what she has found…

Art Direction

Adobe After Effects
Adobe Photoshop

– Ideate overall look and feel of the video
– Design styleframes
– Craft motion graphics
– Edit audio